In a shocking and unprecedented event, over 30 Members of Parliament (MPs) were suspended from the Lok Sabha in a single day due to chaos and unruly behaviour. This incident marks a dark moment in the history of the Indian Parliament.

What Happened?

The suspensions followed a massive uproar in the Lok Sabha after a security breach in Parliament. The MPs were suspended for alleged “disorderly conduct”. The suspended MPs include nine from Congress, two from CPI (M), one from CPI and one from DMK. Along with them, Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Derek O’Brien was also suspended from the Rajya Sabha.

A Historical Low

This is not the first time that MPs have been suspended from the Parliament due to unruly behaviour. However, the scale of this suspension is unprecedented. The highest number of suspensions happened in 1989 when 63 Lok Sabha members were suspended for staging a protest against the Thakkar Commission, which looked into the assassination of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

In recent years, there have been several instances of mass suspensions. In 2019, a total of 45 Lok Sabha MPs were suspended. In 2022, a total of 27 MPs, including 23 Rajya Sabha and four Lok Sabha members were suspended.

The Rules for Suspension

The Lok Sabha Speaker or the Rajya Sabha Chairman has the power to suspend a member to maintain order in the Parliament. As per Rule 373 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business, “The Speaker, if he is of the opinion that the conduct of any Member is grossly disorderly, may direct such Member to withdraw immediately from the House, and any Member so ordered to withdraw shall do so forthwith and shall remain absent during the remainder of the day’s sitting”.

The Implications

The suspension of over 30 MPs from the Lok Sabha in a single day is a significant event in the history of the Indian Parliament. It underscores the importance of maintaining decorum and order in the Parliament, which is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy. It also raises questions about the conduct of MPs and the need for stricter rules to prevent such incidents in the future.