The PDS Scam has sent shockwaves through the nation. As a result of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) investigation, proceeds of crime, including 101 immovable properties and Rs. 2.89 Crore in bank accounts, were provisionally attached on December 11, 2023. The ED has also filed the first Prosecution Complaint against key figures, including Jyoti Priya Mallick, currently Minister-In-Charge of Forest Affairs and Non-Conventional and Renewable Energy Sources in the Government of West Bengal.

The Siphoning of PDS Atta/Wheat Flour

Various rice mills, in collusion with PDS distributors, dealers, and others, allegedly diverted PDS atta/wheat flour, causing substantial losses to the government funds and intended beneficiaries. Approximately 25.55% of the total atta meant for PDS distribution was siphoned off.

The Atta Buyback Scheme

Rice mills engaged in a scheme where they repurchased atta delivered to dealers, mixed it with fresh PDS atta, and allegedly siphoned off corresponding quantities of wheat. This not only generated illicit proceeds but also compromised the quality of the distributed atta.

Fake Paddy Procurement

Illicit funds were generated through fake paddy procurement in the names of non-existent farmers. Millers, in collusion with cooperative societies, used the names of employees and relatives as “fake farmers” to receive payments meant for genuine agricultural transactions.

However, on January 5th, 2024, chaos ensued during a search operation related to the case. ED officials were violently attacked by a large mob, suspected to be instigated by Sahajahan Sheikh, a close associate involved in the business of Full Fledged Money Changers (FFMC). The crowd, armed with weapons, inflicted injuries on ED officials, seized their belongings, and damaged vehicles, prompting the ED to seek police intervention.

The evolving situation underscores the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in unraveling complex financial crimes, with the ED determined to pursue justice despite the violent setbacks encountered during the investigation. The PDS Scam saga continues to captivate attention, highlighting the need for robust measures to safeguard the integrity of public distribution systems and ensure accountability in governance