A shocking online scam in Gujarat has rocked the nation, as two college dropouts managed to swindle people of Rs 60 crore in just three months. The pair had devised a clever scheme, luring people with part-time jobs and taking advantage of their naivety.

The Scheme: A Deceptive Trap

The scheme was simple yet effective. The con artists would contact potential targets with an offer of part-time jobs¹². These jobs, they said, involved liking and subscribing to YouTube videos². The targets were convinced that they were part of a legitimate venture, with the fraudsters even paying them daily to earn their trust¹.

The Twist: A Dangerous Gamble

However, the scheme took a dangerous twist when the targets were added to a Telegram group¹. There, they were exposed to fake, sophisticated, and authentic-looking crypto trading platforms¹. The targets were persuaded to send money and do certain tasks to increase their returns¹. To further fool the targets, the fraudsters created fake digital wallets to make them think that their money was secure¹.

The Fallout: A Devastating Loss

Sadly, many targets got trapped in this scam, sending money every day and sometimes losing their entire savings¹. Some targets even took loans from friends, only to lose them to the scam as well¹. Despite lodging complaints, they have not seen any justice or recovery of their money¹.

The Context: A Widespread Problem

This incident is not a lone case. Work-from-home scams are increasing in India¹. In recent talks with nearly 100 victims of online fraud, it was found that they lost over 2.5 crore rupees to scammers collectively¹. This alarming trend underscores the urgent need for increased awareness and preventive actions to protect against these scams¹.

The Conclusion: A Call to Action

As technology progresses and the digital world becomes more integrated with our daily lives, it is vital to stay alert and informed. Scams like these exploit the trust and vulnerability of people, leading to huge financial losses and emotional trauma. It is our shared duty to stay vigilant, spread awareness, and ensure that we do not fall victim to such schemes. Stay safe, stay smart.